Time is passing really fast and it’s already some time ago that I wrote my last post here. In the meantime many things happened. After the flower honey we got additionally some honeydew honey. It was not much but I was still happy because last year there was no honeydew honey at all. I could also found some nucs which I already treat with lactic acid (when they had no brood).
Now I have nearly all hives and nucs carried back to my main bee-location so that I can feed them. The last days it was raining all day long and so the bees couldn’t get something to eat. This means for me the season is now over. I will use the time to check the hives and nucs for varroa mites and treat them with formic acid (which also has an effect on the brood). I really hope the nucs become strong enough to survive the winter. If they are not strong enough at the end of autumn I probably have to put two nucs together to form a strong one.
Even if the bees could not get as much honey as last year I am still satisfied (also because of the nucs).
I am sorry that I have no pictures this time. I will probably take some of my nucs and add it soon.
Juli 26